To encourage integration and group dynamics, and invited by a historic club friend Leon-Leon CF, the AC Intersoccer senior team-reinforced by some young players in the academy-made a trip to the city of Leon. Taking advantage of the same, organized by the host club in its sports facilities of El Chofre, the boys led by Carlos Cura played on the morning of Saturday one a friendly match against the subsidiary team of the club Virgen del Camino Third Division. Although the result was bulging in favor of the boys of the Madrid academy -0 / 6-, the priority objective, beyond the result, was to continue consolidating the team while the whole expedition enjoyed a great human coexistence.

Review that, on the way to Asturias to sign for UP Langreo of Segunda B, coincidentally, the former AC Intersoccer student visited the hotel: “Samba”.

The city of Leon – “the beautiful stranger” in the slang of experts in the history of art and culture – will be an unforgettable point of remembrance for the experience lived there and the departure of so many dreams and objectives that leaders, coaching staff and players of the AC INTERSOCCER have positions in the competitive project of the same for the 2018/2019 season ready for its start.

And in the heart, full of gratitude, the entire expedition will remain forever with the kindness of all the people of León who treated us with great simplicity and generosity.

Thank you very much friend Rafa Rábade!

Thank you Leon Club!

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