Fernando Morientes, former Real Madrid player and three times Champions League winner, visits InterSoccer in Alalpardo

To continue the coaching program in the morning of February 26, Fernando Morientes, accompanied by Beñat Labaien -Alcobendas Levitt Honor Division coach- and Miguel García -trainer-, and with whom he shared for several years coaching coaching the youth teams of Real Madrid, visited the facilities of InterSoccer to observe the evolution of modernization classes by Mass Valenziano.

Fernando Morientes and his companions were interested in details of the residence and the daily life in it. Thus, they also had the opportunity to see the new corporate space installed in the building.

Once on the football field of Alalpardo and pleasantly surprised by the technical work and the diversity of nationalities and cultures of origin, Morientes has a talk encouraging them to persist, to work with enthusiasm in their dream of becoming a professional footballers like him.

Good mirror where to look: top world football player of the past twenty years!

Fernando Morientes, former Real Madrid player and three times Champions League winner, visits InterSoccer in Alalpardo

Fernando Morientes, former Real Madrid player and three times Champions League winner, visits InterSoccer in Alalpardo

Fernando Morientes, former Real Madrid player and three times Champions League winner, visits InterSoccer in Alalpardo

Fernando Morientes, former Real Madrid player and three times Champions League winner, visits InterSoccer in Alalpardo

Fernando Morientes, former Real Madrid player and three times Champions League winner, visits InterSoccer in Alalpardo

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