Beautiful epilogue of Alalpardo's 2013 AC Milan Summer Camp

To put an end to the prestigious AC Milan Summer Camp celebrated in Alalpardo, the organization staff scheduled an “open day” for the families to enjoy the hard work done by the Italian technicians with all the participants in the very camp facility.

With their “rossonero” uniform the kids performed first the technification exercises, constantly exchanging in various matches. And there, in situ, we noted the high level of the methods used by the coaches of the Italian team.

Then, after a few moments of rest and hydration in the camp’s cafeteria, where participants and families enjoyed the fruits brought by “Frutas Iglesias” and the kind attention gave by the host, all walked up to the “Al Artis” cultural hall where the closing ceremony took place. There first with the introduction of InterSoccer Director -promoter of AC Milan Summer Camp get interested in Alalpardo- and then Andrea, one of the campus coaches, that gave an speech exalting the magnificent sports facilities and highlighting the good atmosphere and good attitude prevailing among all participants all week. Also, on behalf of AC Milan, he show their gratitude both to all the families who trusted in this initiative and the support shown by the municipality, in the person of its Mayor who attended the event.

It was the Mayor who put an end to the turn of the speeches, showing his satisfaction and pride of the dream-come-true developed in Alalpardo by such a great club. He also gave thanks for the confidence shown by the children and families attending the event and ended his speech delivering InterSoccer and AC Milan representative pieces of local pottery. Afterwards: diplomas, pictures, soccer balls… and memories for all the kids.

Summer of 2014… everyone there decided that it will be the next appointment with the “rossonero” aesthetics.

Beautiful epilogue of Alalpardo's 2013 AC Milan Summer Camp

Beautiful epilogue of Alalpardo's 2013 AC Milan Summer Camp

Beautiful epilogue of Alalpardo's 2013 AC Milan Summer Camp

Beautiful epilogue of Alalpardo's 2013 AC Milan Summer Camp

Beautiful epilogue of Alalpardo's 2013 AC Milan Summer Camp

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